Gospel of the Kingdom
A ministry of Christian Union New York
The Gospel of the Kingdom ministry is dedicated to assisting those who would like to learn more and explore the supernatural dimension of the Christian life.
The Christian faith is a rational, reasonable faith, and nothing is more worthy of our intellectual energies than God and His wonderful purposes in the world. Sadly, for at least a few hundred years since the Enlightenment, in Western societies reason has often been pitched as the adversary of faith and the supernatural. Though secular people may believe this, it is important that Christians not adopt an understanding of the universe contrary to its true nature. Careful reasoning and the supernatural go hand in hand in the complex universe created by our extraordinary God.
Hebrews 13:8 reminds us that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” His teachings are to be appreciated in every generation, and His lifestyle is to be imitated in every generation, including His dependence on the power of the Holy Spirit for miraculous intervention. Miracles are signs from God that the kingdom of heaven has been inaugurated, and an implicit promise that it will be fully consummated on the last day. God hasn't changed, and neither has the need for miraculous intervention.
It's important to teach the deep truths of the Christian faith, so that we may fully believe all the doctrines of God, not shrinking back from uncomfortable or unfamiliar characteristics of our supernatural God. He speaks today, heals today, and uses His servants to cast out demons, just as He always has.
Initially, Gospel of the Kingdom will host conferences featuring teaching by those qualified and experienced to teach on these subjects and to demonstrate how God's power works through us. The ministry eventually may offer other opportunities beyond these conferences in the future.
God has designed humans not only as intelligent beings, but as beings with a spirit, capable of interacting in the supernatural context in which we live.
Training in supernatural ministry is important because the need for revelation, healing, and deliverance is as pressing in modern society as it has ever been. Even if operating in this realm is unfamiliar to you, consider learning more about the Holy Spirit's ministry in these ways.
Gospel of the Kingdom is a ministry of Christian Union.
Recommended Reading
If you are new to this subject, and are curious about including the Biblical basis for the operation of the miraculous in modern times, here are four books to consider reading:
Surprised by the Voice of God, by Jack Deere
Inner Healing by Mike Flynn
Healing, by Francis MacNutt
They Shall Expel Demons, by Derek Prince
Contact Us
Please feel free to contact us at: info@gotk.org